Snail Mail <3

Hello everydbody!
I’ve been off the blogosphere lately (courtsey my last year of school). I’m sorry for that but hey, I’m back!
A huge shout out to Jacob (from That’s So Jacob) who actually pulled me back here.

A week ago I had revieved a Snail Mail by Jacob Hellman (hope you checked out his awesome blog!)

This was the first time I had ever recieved a snail mail (weird ?) and that too from over the seas! I was overwhelmed – that’d be an understatement! The sheer excitement to open it and read the hand written content, the transference of ideas through the scent of fresh paper, the eagerness to get down to writing the reply – it was all a first time experince for me! And I loved it.  (I’d thought of posting a picture but then I’m not confident about making the contents public haha!)

I guess it’ll take some time for me to get back to my normal mode of writing …but Mr Hellman, you sure made my day!

I’ll be back to writing my original kinda posts soon! Stay tuned!

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