Beyond – A Book Review

Beyond by M.C. Winkkle⠀

#review : 4 / 5⠀

Genre : Sci – fi⠀

It was a Young Adult Fic, so I’ll review it in that capacity. ⠀

This was the story of Stella, a strange young girl betrayed by people, the government, her parents and nature. Living amidst the war ( a war between humans and aliens ), she soon finds out that she has the ability to stop it at all – or does she?⠀

Usually, such ‘chosen one’ stories revolve around the protagonist. But I loved how this wasn’t the case here. Stella was relatable ( even though she cried black ) because she was stuck in a situation that wasn’t even of her making. The actions of the people around constantly made her choose between things she never should have to! ⠀

All in all, the story line was great. For a science fiction, this definitely held my attention ( I don’t enjoy sci fi usually ). The author switched between perspectives and I loved the story of Abigail and The Commander. I kinda loved The Commander ( I have no idea why). Adding him to my list of fictional crushes ( the first alien to be on the list – ha! ). ⠀

The aliens were intriguing, and very similar to brown families. Trust me on that one, give it a read and you’d know what I mean.⠀

The writing style was a bit raw and at times I felt it could have flown better. Sometimes characters lacked depth and for me ( a classic lover) it was a bit of a bummer. But then that added to the fast-paced, thrilling nature of the story. So, not complaining.⠀

I am excited to read the sequel(s). Can’t wait to see what Stella goes through next! Recommeding this to all YA Fic lovers.⠀

I’d like to thank the author for an advance reading copy in exchange of an honest review.

The book releases worldwide on 10 September, 2020. Don’t forget to get a pretty copy for yourselves! For more information, click here.