
She pulled the knife from her chest and smiled, “Was that supposed to hurt?” Every person in the room gasped as she stood there, the bloody knife in her hand, completely unaffected, her smile broadening by the second. It took two minutes for her to realize what had happened. An agonizing sting ran down her body, a sting called regret? With a frown, her fingers wandered to her chest, her eyes focused on the pool of blood at her feet. Her body felt weak. She fell on her knees, her legs unable to handle her weight. What did she just do? Slowly, she closed her eyes, only to open them again with a jolt.

This time, with a jerk of her head she pointed at her now dead daughter and said, “Another bitch down.”


Minds are open only if hearts are open

I Wrote this piece when I was 14 years old. I don’t know if it makes sense…but do check out! Don’t foreget to leave reviews below! I love getting commented on 😉 

ArtofBeingMe-Header21Taking hold of Tina’s hand, Reema led her towards the so called ‘A – class’ table. Reema, one of the moneyed ones herself, offered the underprivileged girl a seat. As the whole mess looked on with dazed expressions, Tina sat down tentatively. “What is this, Reema?” questioned the ‘boss’, “You know that a lowly girl like her cannot sit with us. You wanna be friends with a disgusting daughter of a rickshaw man?” And, to her horror, Reema answered, “Yeah, because my mother taught me to be good to people.” Then added, “And she even told me not to go around in bad company, but sadly enough, I ignored her and now have to bear the consequences.” “Are you out of your mind?” someone whispered. “Mind? Ha. That’s open only when hearts are….provided that you have one,” Reema answered in a low tone before walking away.

Well said, won’t you say so? Minds are opened only when hearts are opened! And that is true most of the times. Caste, color, creed, country and distinction on these basis is something that’s prevalent not just in our society, but in the whole country, continent, world, everywhere. But what are these? Misconceptions? Wrong judgment? Biasness? No. All this is just because we don’t accept the poor, pitiable people. Just because we don’t love a section of our society. Just because we don’t open up to them. Just because we don’t give them a place in our HEARTS. And this thinking is what promotes disagreements, fights, crimes, and other dire things in our society; this very thinking, thought only with our minds and not hearts; this narrow-mindedness is the root.

Many of us believe that opening our hearts is ‘giving in to temptations’, to distractions. But that’s not true, opening our hearts means loving everyone, demolishing differences, rubbing off the lines that cut us from each other and seeing the world as one, not dissected sections. In other words, it’s being impartial. There is a very powerful saying that I quote here, “If you can’t change something, then accept it; and if you can’t accept something then change it.” But this can only be executed when we think emotionally and logically. And if we do it, I bet 90% of our social issues would disappear, because most common of our problems are that of discrimination between women and men, between the rich and poor and between scheduled castes/tribes and general class. And it just doesn’t stop at that. When we use our hearts, we love. When we love, we think. When we think, we understand. When we understand, we help. And when we help, we make the country a better place to live in! We make friends who trust. And trust is the most important thing in a successful relationship.

And an open mind? Well it simply refers to broadmindedness, non-judgmental attitude, tolerance and permissiveness. And I’m sure, all of you must have seen that heart and mind go along like a rider and its horse, and sometimes people even mistaken heart for mind and mind for heart. There’s just a thin line separating them. And if you try, you can merge the two things to get better results.

But some may oppose this theory. Some may say that when we use our hearts, we think irrationally; that we lose our logic; that we stop following the right path. But there’s something I would like to point out: don’t robots too think? They too work, don’t they? They too do things that humans do, don’t they? They too have a brain, don’t they? So shouldn’t they too be referred to as human? NO, you would say. There is a basic difference between them and us. And it is that of a soft, rhythmic beating known as heart beats. They lack it. We don’t. So if god has given us a heart, why not use it? After all, logical thinking is done even by robots that don’t have hearts, but god has given it to us because of some reason. Realize it. And use it. Because our system works differently. Because we are made to think differently. To think not only with a broad mind, but with an equally large heart. So, don’t be a robot and along with motion have some emotions.

Still, if you think that there’s no connection between hearts and minds, then think of those moments when you had to make a choice. A choice between right and wrong. A choice between you yourself and the disadvantaged one in front of you. A choice between duty and expectancy. Or something as simple as a choice between telling your best friend about something or rather dying with a heavy heart (not literally dying). In those moments, whom do you generally refer to? To that logical brain of yours? I’m sure your brains are mostly absent then. You get emotional or else you aren’t able to make a choice. Isn’t it so? So we conclude that we have to get emotional at some points of our lives, and even if we don’t, the circumstances make us so. And broadmindedness will only come to us if and when we’ll open up, with our minds and hearts…..

But if you still think it’s not true, or you think you’ve never experienced a situation like the ones mentioned above, or you still think that one should blindly follow one’s closed mind as opposed to a broad and open one (that comes with a heart like that) then you should seriously consider Reema’s statement, Minds are “open only when hearts are….provided that you have one!”

Do leave comments!