Homeschooling Basics – Exploring The Role Of Homeschooling Father

While mostly men are taken to be the corporate world leaders, women are bestowed with the responsibility of bringing up and teaching the children in a homeschooling family. It is the woman who is expected to give up her career and run after the kids. But let me tell you, a homeschooling spree is successful only when the whole family part takes without any compromises. And so, the ‘bread winner’ would have to come to his knees and help out his beloved with the kids! So you Dad’s should brush up on their skills to deliver the role of a homeschooling father.

#1 Help your spouse

If you want to be a great daddy, start by being a great hubby! Help your wife with the daily chores. While coming back from the office, mentally prepare yourself to help out Mom. To make a greater impact, you can sometimes bring in take away dinners.

#2 Take up the discipline’s rein!

Usually, Mom is left to bear the ‘bad guy’ title while Dads are known as the fun guy! Well, it certainly is no good when the mother stays home during the school hours and is alone. It’s all the more tough for her to handle kids. So once in a while, be the spanker. Come home and take up the reins of discipline. And discipline also involves sending kids to bed at 8! This would give mommy the much needed rest she deserves.

#3 Cognitive interactions are necessary!

Reading with the kids aloud, even for a few minutes at night in the form of bed time stories, is quite effective in boosting their skills of reading – a process vital in every subject! It could be of great help to the mommy if you help your kids with it! She’d have a less task to worry about. Playing an active role in the learning process is surely something every dad desires, right?

#4 Never miss a chance to teach!ArtofBeingMe-Header21

Never let go of an opportunity to be a teacher if you are a dad, coz you don’t get any of those. A father I’ve heard of combines homeschooling with his business and that’s baking! Yes, he’s a bakery owner and asks his children to help him out. This way children get a clearer picture of what they’ve learnt by using it in their daily lives like book keeping and other stuff. So never let go of a chance – it need not be a baker’s job!

#5 Don’t overdo it!

Don’t be an over strict teacher when you are home, remember you are a dad too! Love is something a child needs and craves for. Public school children long to return home to the love and care of their parents, at some instances. But if you be an unforgiving teacher at all times, whom do you think your child will turn to at times of cherishment? So make your family bonding grow and know what role to imbibe at what instance!

#6 Set the curriculum together!

A perfect curriculum is set only when all the aspects of family traditions and children are kept in mind. It is said two heads are better than one, so join your wife in making the syllabus. It is not just your choice but your duty as a responsible father to help out with this particular task.

Next is standing up for your family. In the society, many a people would point out the negativities about homeschooling and discourage you all. At time like this, you, the man of the family is looked upon to take the family’s side and never let their hopes be lost.

Well, fathers play a very important role in making homeschooling successful. The first thing a responsible Dad should understand is, a happy married life is as important as a great curriculum along with a loving parent- teacher nature for the child to blossom. Your happy marriage sets an appreciable example to the kids. So love your wife thoroughly and support her at all times. Help out your kids at times and check on their works occasionally to give her a break. She’ll love you for that, I bet!